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취미용 색칠공부/소년, 왕자, 등등

눈싸움의 매력에 빠져보자! 색칠공부 - 눈싸움 (Snowball Fight)의 즐거 소년 편 Part 1

by 주니는그린다 2024. 1. 5.

눈싸움은 겨울의 대표적인 즐거움 중 하나입니다. 이번에는 그 매력을 느끼며, 색칠 공부를 통해 눈싸움의 아름다움을 살려보려 합니다. 먼저, 밝고 신나는 눈싸움의 순간을 떠올리며 색칠하면서 따뜻한 감정을 느껴보세요. 하얀 눈, 파란 하늘, 즐거운 웃음을 표현하여 겨울의 낭만을 그립니다. 눈싸움의 설렘이 느껴지는 그림을 완성하면, 특별한 순간을 자유롭게 표현할 수 있습니다. 이 블로그에서는 색칠 공부를 통해 눈싸움의 아름다움을 자세히 살펴보고, 따뜻한 겨울의 순간을 함께 누려봅시다.


Snowball fights are one of the iconic joys of winter. This time, let's delve into the charm of this winter activity and bring it to life through coloring. Start by reminiscing about the bright and cheerful moments of a snowball fight, and feel the warmth as you color. Capture the romance of winter by expressing the white snow, blue sky, and joyous laughter on paper. Once you complete the artwork that captures the excitement of a snowball fight, you'll be able to freely depict those special moments. In this blog, let's explore the beauty of a snowball fight through coloring and enjoy the warmth of winter together.

색칠공부 - 눈싸움 (snowball fight).zip
색칠공부 - 눈싸움 (snowball fight).pdf


색칠공부 문서 pdf와 zip 파일로 올려드립니다.

Here is the document in pdf and zip file.


사진(미리보기) | Photo(Preview)

1. 색칠공부 - 눈싸움 (snowball fight) Part 1

색칠공부 - 눈싸움 (snowball fight) Part 1

2. 색칠공부 - 눈싸움 (snowball fight) Part 2

색칠공부 - 눈싸움 (snowball fight) Part 2

3. 색칠공부 - 눈싸움 (snowball fight) Part 3

색칠공부 - 눈싸움 (snowball fight) Part 3

4. 색칠공부 - 눈싸움 (snowball fight) Part 4

색칠공부 - 눈싸움 (snowball fight) Part 4

5. 색칠공부 - 눈싸움 (snowball fight) Part 5

색칠공부 - 눈싸움 (snowball fight) Part 5

6. 색칠공부 - 눈싸움 (snowball fight) Part 6

색칠공부 - 눈싸움 (snowball fight) Part 6
